Thursday August 22nd 2024
Written by Midlothian View Reporter, Liam Eunson
In the room of over 100 people, he took us through funny situations in his filming career, telling antidotes from the shows we all love. Displaying that awkward charm that his character, Simon, in The Inbetweener’s had that made him so iconic he told us stories from his personal life, such as funny medical scares and him and his partners in-ability to be parents. Using many Inbetweener’s references and mentioning cast members left the audience roaring in laughter, bringing the nostalgia that the crowd was looking for.
Despite the stand-up comedy needing improvements, his personality and experience carried the show to a successful end. If you are a fan of Joe himself or his iconic TV shows, this show is for you. Showing us a funny insight into his personality away from his TV characters alongside the nostalgic stories from filming the iconic programmes it all added up to be a hilarious hour-long show.
5/5, very nostalgic and a great stand-up routine.
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