{"NewsItems":[{"headline":"Edinburgh Council using 30 illegal HMOs as homeless accommodation","excerpt":"","featuredImage":"https:\/\/www.midlothianview.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/Edinburgh-council-office.webp","content":"


Written by Local Democracy Reporter, Donald Turvill<\/b><\/p>\n

Edinburgh Council is facing \u201cserious questions\u201d after it emerged it is breaking the law \u201con an industrial scale\u201d by placing homeless people in 30 unlicensed houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) across the city.<\/p>\n

The authority\u2019s top legal expert has warned the practice \u201ccannot continue\u201d and that the cost of finding alternative temporary accommodation \u201ccould be substantial\u201d.<\/p>\n

Homeless charity Shelter called on the council to clarify what its plans are for anyone who might be forced to move out of unlicensed HMOs and said forcing residents on to the streets \u201csimply should not be an option\u201d.<\/p>\n

Councillor Jane Meagher, convener of housing, homeless and fair work committee, admitted the situation was \u201cunsustainable\u201d but said a \u201cguillotine approach\u201d would be \u201cinhumane\u201d and could lead to an increase in rough sleeping.<\/p>\n

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