Bid for UPVC windows in Dalkeith conservation area

Tuesday July 18th 2023

project hub dalkeith

Written by Local Democracy Reporter, Marie Sharp

Developers have applied to replace traditional windows in a conservation area with high quality UPVC as they convert offices into a ground floor flat.

Dalkeith Investments Ltd was granted planning permission to turn former offices on the town’s High Street into a one bedroom flat by Midlothian planners last year.

Now they have asked the council to allow them to alter the original plans to replace timber and sash windows, which will overlook a courtyard, with UPVC.

The flat will be built behind a commercial premises on the High Street within the town’s conservation area.

At the time of granting the original planning permission, officers raised concerns about the initial plan to replace the windows describing them as ‘bulky’ when compared to the existing windows.

However they said: “It is however noted that the proposed windows are not on a principle street fronting elevation, and the use of timber sash and case design retains the existing style of the elevation.”

Earlier this year a landlady who replaced up to 16 windows in flats above a pub on Dalkeith High Street with UPVC frames was ordered to remove them after losing an appeal against a council decision to refuse planning permission for them.

However in that case the building involved was a listed building and faced onto the High Street.

The current application property has a graveyard to its rear and is not listed.

The application is available to view on Midlothian Council’s planning portal.

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