Wednesday April 19th 2017
The Prime Minister has called a snap general election to be held on the 8th June.
The Liberal Democrats in the Borders say
“This snap general election is a chance for people in the Borders to turn back the tide of nationalism by voting for the only clear pro-UK and pro-EU party.
“People in the Borders should use this general election to prevent a hard Brexit and stand up to the rise of nationalism by voting for the only unequivocally pro-EU and pro-UK party, the Liberal Democrats.
“The Liberal Democrats are standing on a clear platform of opposition to a hard Brexit, to the nationalist politics taking us down this path, and also the nationalism prevalent here in Scotland that would do even more damage if it ever succeeds in breaking up one of the world’s most advanced and integrated economies.
“The Liberal Democrats are the only party that is line with majority opinion in Scotland, where most people are pro EU and pro UK and voted to remain committed to our unions in both the 2014 and 2016 referendums.”
Liberal Democrat Chairman for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, John Ferry, commented:
“When nationalism wins we all lose. A hard Brexit will do immense damage to Britain. And let’s not forget that in 2014 the nationalist movement here in Scotland was happy to trade our EU citizenship for the break up of the UK, and is agitating again for a separation policy that if carried out would hurt every single one of us. The Liberal Democrats are the only party putting forward a politics of reaching out instead of retreating in. Those willing to stand up to regressive nationalism need to vote for a Scotland secure in the UK and a Britain that is open, tolerant and united.”
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