Christine Grahame MSP

Monday November 30th 2015

Christine Grahame MSP in Parliament Main

71 Dugs and counting

Well the free dog micro-chipping event in Penicuik went like a fair despite freezing horizontal rain which, among many things is what makes Penicukians so hardy. There were 71 dogs in all and of all shapes and sizes and temperaments and once again my utmost thanks to the Dogs Trust which provided the service and to the Hall Keeper who provided the urn for hot tea and coffee.

Next year compulsory micro-chipping will be introduced was it was a golden opportunity to get it done at no cost. If you missed your chance I’ll try to set up another next year.

Electronic Collars

While I am on the subject of dogs, I, along with others, am campaigning for a ban on the sale and use of electronic collars on dogs, and even cats. I have tried one on myself, not round my neck, though there are those who would have applauded that, but round my wrist. My goodness it was sore and if you want to see a politician in pain, you’ll find it on my Facebook. Actually my expletives had to be edited out because it was so painful. Now the Scottish Government is consulting on whether they should be banned and if you feel the same as me please chip in with your responses. If you can’t do it this way, and it’s not the easiest to do, just e-mail me and I’ll send it on. Otherwise, here’s the link Potential controls or prohibition of electronic training aids in Scotland.


Each year I run a Christmas Card competition throughout the schools in my constituency and this year is no different. The theme this year was “refugees” for obvious reasons and my cheque, to be presented by the winner, will be going to the Scottish Refugee Council. There have been many entries with the picture having a Scottish flavour and a message to the refugees inside. Although everyone who entered will be receiving a certificate, let me take this chance to thank the schools, the staff and the pupils for the smashing entries.

This Christmas in the meantime I am on Christmas dinner duty for my son, wife and grand-daughter in Scotland and hope to learn to skype my son and his family in London on the day. I’m looking forward to time for family and it does mean I can’t put off cleaning that oven any longer. And I will of course greet my eyes out over “It’s a Wonderful Life” for the umpteenth time. Ach who cares it’s part of Christmas after all along with over-indulging and heartburn!

And finally TESCO Surgery Penicuik

As you know, or I hope so by now, my Penicuik TESCO surgery is on the fourth Saturday of the month. In December that would be the 27th and not only is that bang in the middle of Christmas it is in the Parliament’s recess-which means the next Sat surgery will be 23rd January 2016. It seems a long way off I know but I can always be contacted by phone, letter or e-mail till then.

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