Monday February 22nd 2016
Phil Bowen, Midlothian View Editor
As reported in January Damhead residents, the Community Council, Damheads farmers, food producers and neighbouring communities stood in protest at the site of £2 Million worth of illegally dumped waste, Illegally dumped waste in Damhead.
Midlothian Council have previously served a Planning Enforcement Notice for the Clippen yards site requiring the removal of waste stored at some of the yards at the Clippens. At the time of the January protest the latest deadline for the removal of the waste was 1st February 2016.
Midlothian View have contacted the council for an update following the passing of the deadline date. A spokesperson for Midlothian Council said: “The Council’s aim is to have the site at Clippens Yard cleared of unauthorised waste. In situations where a company that has carried out unauthorised works has been made bankrupt, it is often not practical to take action against that company.
“The Council continues to discuss with the landowners of the Clippens Yard alternative appropriate development at the site which incorporates the clearance of unauthorised waste. This is considered to be the most practical and cost-effective means by which the Council can achieve the aim of having the site cleared.”
The deadline for the removal of the waste has been extended to the middle of April.
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