Saturday July 8th 2023
Councillor Alexander with the Harrier Hawk.
Eagle-eyed Midlothian councillors Stuart McKenzie and Dianne Alexander met a very unusual staff member at a recent fact-finding trip to a factory on the west coast.
The Cabinet Members for housing and commercial operations respectively, were greeted by a Harrier Hawk.
The two-year-old predator is employed to scare seagulls away from the factory.
Cllr Alexander said: “We saw many amazing things on our factory tour today, but this has to be the high point.”
Cllr McKenzie added: “What a fantastic creature, and it’s amazing to see how the handler and bird work together. We left with a rare memory of seeing this majestic creature.”
Cllr McKenzie said they were assured the hawk was sweet-natured and familiar with people. “As you can see from Councillor Alexander stroking the hawk’s feathers.”
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