Drive-through decision delayed

Wednesday October 10th 2018

Tesco Hardengreen Starbusk and KFC

The planning committee yesterday reviewed the plans for two drive-through restaurants at Tesco Hardengreen.

The plans are for two single storey buildings just to the south of the petrol station. If approved one would be operated by KFC and the other Starbucks.

This follows the decision in April to grant permission for a McDonald’s drive-through in the Tesco car park where the click and collect building used to be.

The application has been objected to by both Bonnyrigg and Lasswade Community Council and Eskbank and Newbattle Community Council, as well as the Midlothian Health and Social Care Partnership (H&SCP).

They cited concerns about the impact on local town centres, traffic and healthy eating.

However, the planning officers’ report to councillors recommended they approve the application.

When the councillors came to discuss the planning application they voted to delay the decision by a month so that it could be considered alongside the consultation report on Food and Drink in Midlothian. That consultation closes today and the report will be available in time for the next planning meeting which takes place in November.

Councillor Stephen Curran wanted to raise a motion to reject the application citing concerns about the impact on local town centres, especially Dalkeith, as he said it would impact the local businesses there.

However, Councillor Curran’s motion was not discussed further as the councillors opted to delay delay the decision and discussion until next month.

You can read the planning officers’ report here.

The planning meeting was the first to be webcast following the councillors decision last month to webcast it rather than the cabinet meeting, as it was decided there was more public interest.

You can watch the webcast here

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