Tuesday May 31st 2022
Christine Grahame MSP writes her monthly column for Midlothian View
I had the privilege of attending the installation of the Penicuik Hunter Lad and Lass recently, with the Junior Hunter Lad & Lass and Principals from far and wide.
In a packed Town Hall it began with dancers, pipe band and the winners of the junior talent show. In the middle of the children dancing, I was quite overcome with emotion at us simply all being back after two dreadful years. In my short speech near the end, I said this and as we all clapped each other I am sure I was not alone. We all were almost back to normal and that will never to be taken for granted.
By the way the smile on my colleague Debbi McCall’s face, your new Midlothian provost, never let up. A worthy appointment as she works tirelessly for her constituents and will be a great female provost.
A couple of days on and this was followed up with Penicuik in the Park on a grand day of sunshine with stalls and a fun fair. I had my obligatory hotdog with mustard and onions – the only time I have this – and thoroughly enjoyed it. I went round most of the stalls, having a chat before the crowds piled in after the parade. I actually won a prize at the Labour stall and it was the only one where I had any luck.
As I left I stopped by the inflatable slide where children scrambled like ants upwards, to scream their way down. Folk were sitting on the grass nearby picnicking and I took it all in. The sun, the fun and the liberation after two years of restrictions and for a moment that and the challenges of the staggering increases in the cost of living were forgotten.
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