Flower of Scotland

Monday June 27th 2016

Christine Grahame MSP in Parliament

After Scotland voted decisively to remain in the E.U., I was reminded of the line sung by the Corries which goes “and send him homewards to think again.”

That think again is what we should be shouting loud and clear at Westminster. During our referendum we were told time and again that if we voted for independence we would be out of Europe and put to the back of the queue. Well we’re out and not by our own hand.

The recent referendum result with England opting 53% to leave and Scotland 62% to remain could not underline more two countries going their separate ways. Midlothian too voted 62% to remain. Of our MPs only three represent unionist parties, and here in the Scottish Parliament we hold 63 seats and the Greens 6 making that 69 an overall majority for the independence parties.

All of this says Scotland has fundamentally changed its politics. There comes a time when a nation is at a crossroads.

You could argue that was in 2014 with the Independence referendum with “project fear”. But that E.U. vote has changed the political landscape. South of the Border the Tory party is in turmoil, leaderless, rudderless with plots erupting like boils over leadership contenders.

Labour may be even in a worse position with Jeremy Corbyn losing Shadow Ministers hand over fist.

Indeed by the time you read this there will be more melt down I have no doubt. Meantime in Scotland for the SNP Government it will be business as usual for Scotland’s domestic affairs. But surely to goodness it cannot be business as usual for Scotland as an outwork looking European nation. It is time for Scotland to reassert its values and we can only to this if we take control of our own affairs as an independent nation again.

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