Monday April 24th 2017
Robert Hogg – Midlothian East
Over the last 5 years we have had an SNP administration in charge in Midlothian and a Labour opposition.
Have you noticed any serious changes in your communities in these 5 years? Yes there have been cuts to services mainly in the last five years, but surely both SNP and Labour should have been working together to lessen the affects of these cuts on our communities instead they have fought each other throughout these last 5 years while your commuinties have suffered.
It’s time to change the way your communities are served and that is by making sure your local Councillors are accountable to you the public rather than to their political masters.
Your serving Councillors have not served you well over these years and it is time for a change: Vote in someone who cares about your community.
Planning – I will help safeguard local communities from bad planning applications that affect your communities and don’t reflect the proper infrastructure that your community expects with such applications. I will also fight to have the contributions from developers used to provide badly needed facilities in your community.
Midlothian Council – I will work closely with like minded councillors and council officials on the complex issues that affect your
community and Midlothian’s communities.
Environment – I will help to tackle the eyesore which is blighting our communities, in the built up communities or our rural villages.
The dumping of rubbish is a major concern for local people.
Parks – I will fight to help secure your local parks, as they are so important to the local community
Funding – Community groups throughout the ward are under a lot of pressure due to the financial cuts brought on by the council due to Austerity cuts. I will work closely to help groups affected.
Education – I will work closely with education deptartments to help raise attainment levels in our communities, to try and make sure your children or grandchildren get the qualifications they deserve.
Jason Ferry – Midlothian South
I read that Candidates from Political Parties will now make the issues that matter most to you their election priorities and pledges. As a voter I would be asking them why do you only think about your communities at election time and why haven’t you and your respective political parties put the residents of Midlothian first in the last five years.
Unlike other candidates within my Ward, I don’t need to make rash promises to put our community first as I have been doing that already as a volunteer over the last seven years; as chair of Newtongrange Community Council and as a member of many other local voluntary associations. I have challenged many local and national institutions for the benefit of our community and I will continue to do so and, should you vote for me as your preferred choice, I will work hard to make sure that other Councillors make this their priority too. Communities need to be at the forefront of local Government decisions and their voices need to be heard over the background noise of National Politics.
I am the only candidate within Midlothian South who can truthfully say “I will work for you, only you” as I have no other party or outside associations influencing my actions. This is the benefit of voting for an Independent candidate.
With other successful Independent Councillors we can bring true community representation to Midlothian Council but we need you to put us there. I would ask that you vote for Jason Ferry and other Independent candidates as number 1 on May 4th
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