Monday June 27th 2016
A report describing the extent of the recent landslip at the footpath access to Ironmills Park, Dalkeith is to be discussed at a full council meeting tomorrow (Tuesday 28th June 2016).
The report describes three options identified for consideration to provide an access route from Dalkeith to Ironmills Park.
Option 1
The Localised remediation option with an alternative route being created with a temporary bridge which involves anchoring the area around the footpath with an anchoring drainage solution at a cost of £105,000, affecting an area of approximately 200m² would demonstrate a willingness to address this problem within the tight budget constraints the Council faces and the anchoring and drainage system proposed may well negate any further land slips affecting the cemetery which would be of major concern and significant expense.
However, there are no guarantees that this will resolve the land slip issues and result in the path remaining closed.
A low cost temporary timber bridge with timber steps constructed 300 metres downstream of the existing steps and bridge would be required to ensure pedestrian access to the park. The estimated cost of a basic bridge and steps is £70,000.
Total cost of this option is £175,000.
Option 2
Wider Soil Anchoring solution which, has an estimated cost of £170,000 which has a greater degree of confidence in its success to ensure the path
and steps are reopened and mitigate the risks of further land slippage affecting the Cemetery, local properties and the local electricity supply.
Option 3
Piling solution along the path at an estimated cost of £163,000.
The report recommends the council agreeing to progress option 2
The full report can be read HERE.