Thursday April 26th 2018
From left to right, Murray Buchan, Ross Callachan, Zak Stewart, Anna Vincenti, Mark Bennett
Written by editor, Phil Bowen
With a very polished Sport Personality of the Year awards ceremony Lasswade High School celebrated the numerous sporting achievements by pupils.
SPOTY 2018 was organised by the school’s Sports Council which includes Midlothian council’s Active Schools co-ordinators.
Martyn Ewart from Forth One did a great job as host and helped bring the buzz and professionalism to the night that the BBC would be proud of.
There were four special guests from the world of sport. Rugby player Mark Bennett, Skier Anna Vincenti, Skier Murray Buchan and Hearts footballer and former Lasswade High School pupil Ross Callachan.
There were awards for player of the year in football, rugby, gymnastics and netball. Future Starz awards were given for pupils who have shown they have excellent talent and have the potential to achieve great things within their sport.
There were Team of the Year awards as well as pupil and staff volunteer of the Year awards.
Dancers from the school performed two excellent dances to get both halves of the show off to a great start.
Asked by host Martyn Ewart what advice he would give to young people to help them exceed in sport, footballer Ross Callachan said
“It is really important to listen to the advice your coaches are giving you as that is the key to improving. I’ve seen lots of talented footballers over the years who have not reached their potential because they did not listen and put into practice what their coaches were telling them.”
Basketball player Zak Stewart won the coverted Sports Personality of The Year Award.
Headteacher Campbell Hornell said “It is great to see all the sporting talents of our pupils and what they have achieved over the year. I congratulate them all.”
Mr Hornell congratulated the winner Zak saying “Every morning I come into school very early and every morning I see Zak practicing his basketball skills. It is that dedication to his sport that makes him a winner.”
SPOTY 2018 host Martyn Ewart from Forth One
The Future Starz award winners.
SPOTY 2018 nominee Lauren Windsor teaches Taekwondo to her teacher Miss Helm.
Dancers launched the show.
The second half of the night was kicked off with more terrific dancing.
The school sports council who organised the awards.
From left to right, skier Murray Buchan, 3 of the SPOTY 2018 nominees Lauren Windsor, Jodi Miller, Zak Stewart (Hannah Darling was unable to make the event as she was competing in a golf tournament in England) and Rugby player Mark Bennett.
Sports Personality of the Year Award 2018 winner Zak Stewart
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