Friday November 20th 2015
Local MP Owen Thompson is encouraging the 8,238 unpaid carers in Midlothian to find about their rights as part of national Carers Rights Day, a campaign led by Carers UK urging people caring for ill or disabled loved ones to find out about the financial and practical support they are entitled to.
Each year 2,700 people take up a caring role in Midlothian yet Carers UK research shows that 42% of carers miss out on the financial support available.
There are around 6.5 million unpaid carers across the UK who provide care and support to family, friends and neighbours, saving the country an estimated £132 billion each year-the cost of a second health service.
Owen Thompson MP said: “Carers make a huge contribution to our society, yet too often go without the support they need because they simply don’t know what support is available. We must all play a role in helping to identify and support people who are looking after ill, frail or disabled loved ones and making sure they get the right information and advice about the support they are entitled to as early as possible.”
Carers UK Chief Executive Heléna Herklots said:
“Caring will touch all of our lives at some point. Every year, millions of people begin caring for a disabled, older or seriously-ill loved one, yet worryingly carers tell us that it can be really difficult to get the help and advice they need.
We know getting the right information at the right time can make a big difference to carers lives. Carers Rights Day is about ensuring that carers don’t miss out on the financial, practical and emotional support they are entitled to, as well as recognising carers huge contribution to our society.”
Carers can order a free copy of our new guide to carers’ rights and benefits called Looking after someone from Carers UK by visiting or calling Carers UK’s Adviceline on 0808 808 7777.
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