Thursday February 23rd 2023
Written by Midlothian View Reporter, Luke Jackson
A total of 17 projects in Midlothian are set to benefit from more than £2 million in funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
The funding, which is provided by the UK Government, is aimed at supporting communities, local businesses, people and skills. It is one strand from a suite of funding that succeeded the old EU structural funds, which were available before the UK left the European Union.
Midlothian Council, which is responsible for approving and distributing the funds locally, will receive £3,558,662 in UK Shared Prosperity funding over a 3-year period to award to projects in the area.
An Investment Plan produced by the council and partners, which sets out how the money will be spent, has already been approved by the UK Government. Awards for individual projects will range from £15,400 to £233,500 over three years.
Among the organisations to be awarded funding are: Rosewell Development Trust Community Company Ltd – to provide volunteering opportunities and community led projects to address the cost of living; Midlothian Voluntary Action – for a feasibility study into a Third Sector hub and work to upskill organisations in community benefits and charity support; and Volunteer Midlothian – to increase volunteer numbers, establish a volunteering hub and provide work experience placements.
Also receiving support are Mayfield & Easthouses Development Trust – for Trust activities; Gorebridge Community Development Trust – to increase user participation, improve community wellbeing and deliver volunteering; Edinburgh College – to deliver courses to help adults improve their numeracy skills and Green Skills; and Ladywood Leisure Centre, Penicuik – funding to refurbish the building.
The council’s PALM project has been awarded funding to support the transition of young adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorder into work or further learning and to deliver Digital Skills courses. The Midlothian Numeracy Pathway will get also get support to deliver new numeracy courses, as will the Shaping Places for Wellbeing project, to deliver on inequalities work in the central Dalkeith and Woodburn areas.
You can find details of all the successful projects HERE.
Commenting on the funding awards, Midlothian Council Leader Councillor Kelly Parry said: “I am pleased that we have been able to give approval for a range of projects, designed to help people improve their life chances and reduce inequalities. Other skills development, volunteering projects and community facilities will also benefit.”
A total of 21 projects in Midlothian applied for funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The decisions on which organisations would receive awards was made by a panel which included representatives from NHS Lothian, Skills Development Scotland, the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal, the Third Sector and a volunteer member.
An additional round of funding will be conducted in the new financial year from April 2023 to include economic development projects.
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