Monday May 9th 2016
Newly re-elected SNP MSP Christine Grahame has warmly thanked those voters in Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale who helped her achieve re-election in Thursday’s Scottish Parliament election.
Ms Grahame, who won the seat in 2011 by defeating Liberal Democrat Jeremy Purvis, increased her total of votes, her share of the vote and her majority this time round.
A delighted Ms Grahame said:
“I polled 2,176 more votes in 2016 while my share of the total votes cast went up to 45%. That percentage is greater than the combined shares given to my Tory and Labour opponents. It was extremely satisfying to see my majority rise by 944 votes to a very respectable 5,868.”
She pointed out that the SNP in the constituency had also polled strongly in the South of Scotland regional list, recording more than 14,000 votes – well above the Tory and Labour totals of 10,230 and 5,005 respectively.
Ms Grahame added:
“A vast majority of those who voted in this area have not only placed their faith in me to represent them for the next five years, but seem more than satisfied with the record of the SNP Government over the last nine years.
“I thank everyone who supported me and promise I will work hard to represent all constituents irrespective of their political persuasion.”
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