Friday June 9th 2023
Some of the pupils' letters sent to MP Owen Thompson.
Written by Midlothian View Reporter, Luke Jackson
Bighearted Midlothian pupils have urged their MP “listen to us, we have great ideas” as they call for help to save the planet.
Children from St Andrew’s Primary School, Gorebridge, have written heartfelt letters to Owen Thompson MP.
Kids from primary four took up the pen to air their growing fears over plastic pollution and climate change.
One pupil wrote: “I am writing to you to tell you how worried and scared I am about plastic pollution.
“I hate to see the mounds of plastic waste that are choking our planet and killing all the animals.
“Please use your voice to have mine heard. I want to tell big companies and supermarkets to stop selling single use plastics.
“I want to tell them to have refill stations instead. If there were juice, oil, shampoo and cleaning product refill stations in every supermarket, people would use them.
“I am only nine and I want the planet to be safe and clean for my future. Please do something now.
“Don’t wait and waste time, we have wasted enough time already. We want to see people coming together to clean the beaches and streets.
“We want to see recycling stations EVERYWHERE. We don’t want to buy our fruit wrapped in plastic.
“Please tell them to listen to us and stop using plastics that we don’t need. Ban new inventions that are not eco-friendly.
“Children are full of great ideas. Please listen to us.”
Mr Thompson said he was moved by the letters. He said: “It is encouraging to see children acting as good citizens and raising real concerns over the environment.
“The children are intelligent, articulate and a real credit to their school. It is sad though to read just how scared they are by the world’s collective inaction over the climate crisis.
“We owe it to these children and generations to come to do all we can to make the planter greener and cleaner.
“The pupils of St Andrew’s Primary School are correct – more needs to be done.
“Children, indeed, are full of great ideas and we would do well to sit up and listen to them as a matter of urgency.”
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