Thursday August 22nd 2024
A Battery Energy Storage System in Pillswood, Hull. Image credit Fully Charged Show.
Written by Local Democracy Reporter, Paul Kelly
A bid for a major battery energy storage scheme in Berwickshire has moved a step closer reality.
The proposed development, named Shielburn Energy Park, would be located on land to the south of the sub-station at Fallago Wind Farm, near Duns,
A Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) and Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) submitted to Scottish Borders Council have now been approved.
Those documents have to be submitted 12 weeks before any formal planning application for a major development.
Now a public consultation over the bid will go-ahead.
In line with statutory requirements for major applications, it is proposed to hold two pre-application public consultation events within the local community at Longformacus Village Hall in Duns Road on Thursday, October 3, between 3 and 7pm and on Tuesday, October 22, between 2 and 6pm.
The applicant is Sunlaws Development Company Limited.
A report with the applications says: “At these events, information detailing the proposed development will be available and members of the community will be provided with the opportunity to engage with members of the project team, ask questions, provide input and to raise concerns.
“In addition to the public consultation events, dedicated web-pages will be made available providing information on the proposals and the opportunity to engage digitally with the project team.
“A questionnaire will also be available both digitally on the website and in hard copy at the public consultation event. Hard copies of the questionnaire will be in large print, accessible format, and the provision of an online audio version is being explored.
“Located within an area covered by existing and operational wind farms and grid infrastructure, the development could improve the efficiency of Scottish wind farms, storing energy that would otherwise have been curtailed due to transmission constraints.
“The proposed BESS development comprises shipping containers containing: batteries and inverters, electrical switch and control equipment and site welfare, and outdoor voltage transformers, concrete pads or steel pile plinths, stoned hard standings and water storage/drainage basin(s) or tank(s).
“Sited within an existing and operational wind farm area, the proposed development will use existing access tracks for construction and operation, joining public roads to the south-east at the B6456 and to the east at Gifford Road, respectively.
“These existing access tracks have been used previously to transport similar equipment (in terms of load) and little, if any alteration, is expected to be required.”
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