Monday June 29th 2015
As a result of the campaigning by the Bonnyrigg Greenbelt Action Group there is to be a debate in the Scottish Parliament.
Colin Beattie MSP spoke at the Bonnyrigg Greenbelt Action Group meeting in March regarding the potential impact of the Midlothian Local Development Plan and since then he has been approached by more constituents who are concerned about the plan’s possible impact in their area.
As a result he has now lodged a motion at the Scottish Parliament asking the Parliament to recognise the value of Scotland’s green spaces, click HERE for for the full text of the motion.
Colin Beattie says, “It’s clear that the issues raised by planning and its impact on greenbelt are not going to go away any time soon. No one would deny that we need more houses, but green spaces provide a whole range of benefits to our communities and we should never lose sight of that. I would strongly urge any of you who have concerns about local planning issues to contact your local councillor whose details can be found at either the East Lothian Council webpage or the Midlothian Council webpage.”
Since March the Bonnyrigg Greenbelt Action Group have gone on to join forces with other concerned Midlothian residents and form the Midlothian Landscape and Communities Protection Group (MLCP).
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