Monday July 30th 2018
A second consultation on proposals for a new primary school and community facilities at Danderhall will be held on Tuesday 7 August. Plans and elevations for the proposed new building will be on display at public drop in sessions at Danderhall library, 1a Campview, between 2 and 8pm. All are welcome to attend.
Midlothian Council is carrying out the consultation prior to submitting a planning application for the proposed development at the site of the existing Danderhall Primary School. As well as a new primary school, the proposals are for combined community and leisure facilities including a new library.
This latest consultation follows one earlier in the year where most local residents expressed their preference for a new primary school and community facilities such as a cafe, sports hall, library, meeting space and activity spaces for children.
The council’s cabinet member for education, Cllr Jim Muirhead, said:
“We’re taking the views of local people on board and we’re delighted to be able to move ahead with the proposed redevelopment of this key site. Building work could start by the middle of next year, resulting in an excellent new learning environment for local children and superb new facilities for the wider community.”
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