Monday April 17th 2023
Colin Beattie MSP, Midlothian North & Musselburgh, writes his monthly column for Midlothian View
I am hearing increasing reports of potholes on our roads and can understand the frustrations these can cause to drivers, and other road users. It is difficult for our council to keep on top of them all as they can seemingly appear overnight and the change in weather conditions is also a contributing factor. If you become aware of large pothole, please report it to Midlothian Council either by telephone or via their website. They can’t fix it if they are unaware of it. And don’t take matters into your own hands: I have recently heard Arnold Schwarzenegger has taken to filming himself while filling in potholes near his home – this is both dangerous and illegal so don’t do it!
There have been developments with the public inquiry into the plans for the upgrade at Sheriffhall Roundabout. With the inquiry concluded, we are expecting to see the final report published by the end of June this year. My constituents and those who reside in the surrounding areas have been waiting for years for the improvements to start to the roundabout, with commuters also feeling the same frustration. I maintain that this should not be delayed any further than it needs to be.
In other news, it’s now time for those eligible to book their Spring COVID-19 booster appointments. Covid hasn’t gone away, and it remains important that you don’t let your protection fade. Those eligible to book now include everyone 75 or over, those who reside in a care home and those over 5 years of age who have a weakened immune system. You can book online at NHS Inform or by telephone on 0800 030 8013.
On the theme of spring, it does now finally seem to have sprung! The weather is warmer, the days are longer, and we can think about packing away out winter woollies. We are blessed with lots of outdoor space to enjoy across Midlothian and now is a great time to take advantage of it and enjoy the spring flowers and the changing colours. One activity for your diary could be trying out the soon to be launched Loanhead Heritage Trail. Maps are available to download from Midlothian Council’s website, and I’d encourage everyone to explore more of what we all have on our doorsteps.
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