Rainbow Primary makes it to school name shortlist

Friday February 5th 2016

Midlothian School Names Competition

Lauren Winning and her son Fraser Winning, P3, at the naming event at Gorebridge Primary. Fraser is looking forward to attending the new school at Gorebridge.

Local people are being asked to vote for a name for each of the two new primary schools at North Gorebridge and Bilston.

Thankfully some hard working and creative primary school pupils from the areas have made the job a whole lot easier by coming up with a shortlist of five names already.

At a special event on Thursday morning at Gorebridge Primary, around 20 pupils from Gorebridge, Stobhill and St Andrew’s Primary Schools, assisted by pupils from Newbattle High School, came up with ideas and then whittled their favourites for North Gorebridge down to:

Pentland View Primary

Gore Glen Primary

Arniston Primary

Arniston Park Primary and

Whitehouse Primary

Meanwhile, pupils at Roslin Primary school and the Bilston Annexe have chosen the five contenders for the new Bilston primary:

Bilston Primary

Bilston Glen Primary

Castlelaw Primary

Pentland Primary

Rainbow Primary

Councillor Bob Constable, the cabinet member for education, said: “These are all fantastic names linked to the history and landscapes of the areas.

“It’s going to be very hard to choose just one for each school but we’re confident local people will get behind our competition and tell us what they think.

“After all, the schools belong to the local communities and will be integral parts of them so we want to make sure local people pick a name they can really connect with.”

Lauren Winning came along to the Gorebridge event to help her son, Fraser, who is in P3. Fraser said he was quite keen on the name Whitehouse Primary and that he was really looking forward to moving to the new school just a few minutes from his home.

Local people can vote online by visiting the consultations page on the council’s website at www.midlothian.gov.uk/consultation/open

Forms with the names will be available at local libraries – just hand in completed ones to the librarians.

Alternatively, you can email magnus.inglis@midlothian.gov.uk or call him on 0131 271 3669.

Both schools are due to open in August 2016.

Councillor Constable said: “I’m going to vote and I certainly hope local people will join me.”

The competitions run from Thursday 11 Feb to Wednesday 24 February.

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