Tuesday June 19th 2018
A total of 94.4% of school leavers in Midlothian are in a sustained positive destination, such as a job, further education or training, according to new figures published today.
This is the council’s highest recorded figure to date. It is up on last year’s figures and shows a 6.4% improvement over the last 5 years.
The figures, collated by the national skills body, Skills Development Scotland, show that nationally, 92.9% of school leavers are in a positive destination.
Councillor Jim Muirhead, Midlothian’s Cabinet Member for Education, said:
“Since 2012 I am delighted to say we have managed to sustain the numbers of young people maintaining their positive destination from leaving school”
“Our ambition is to see all of school leavers go onto a positive destination.
“Numerous initiatives are in place to support young people. For example, we work with the Regional ‘Developing Young Workforce’ Group of the chambers of commerce to run an annual jobs road show in Midlothian . This event attracts more than 400 pupils from all our high schools to meet up with 30 recruiting businesses and our school breakfasts with business representatives.”
Councillor Muirhead urged every young person who has left school but feels in need of extra support to get in touch. He said:
“You can either phone the council’s Lifelong Learning and Employability Service 0131 271 3923/3450 or get in touch with Skills Development Scotland on 0800 917 8000.”
The figures are collated in March 2018 and relate to pupils leaving in the 2016/17 academic year. The sustained figures therefore show the percentage of pupils still in a positive destination nine months after that academic school year ends the previous June.
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