Monday October 10th 2022
Written by Midlothian View Reporter, Luke Jackson
The move comes in the wake of new Scottish Government legislation that requires local authorities to regulate short-term lets by introducing a licensing scheme.
At the full Council meeting last week, councillors agreed to adopt a new short term lets policy.
The policy gives a definition of a short-term let and timescales for when applications must be submitted in Midlothian.
– Secondary letting – letting of property where you do not normally live, e.g. a second home
– Home letting – letting out all or part of your own home whilst you are absent
– Home sharing – letting out all or part of your own home whilst you are there
The council has agreed to issue licences for secondary lets, when someone lets out separate premises which is not their only or main home and also for home letting or home sharing.
From 1st October, anyone new who wants to offer a short-term let cannot do so until they have a licence.
Anyone already offering short-term lets can continue to do so but must apply for a licence by 1st April 2023.
The final deadline date for all hosts and properties to be licenced is the 1st July 2024.
The licensing scheme is to help make sure the economic and tourism benefits from short-term lets are balanced with the needs and concerns of local communities.
The public was consulted before the licensing scheme was introduced in Midlothian and the information given helped inform the new policy. Interested parties such as Police Scotland and the Scottish Association of Self-Caterers were also asked for their views. In total 29 people responded, with 55% of those people who are offering short term lets.
The form to apply for a licence is on the council’s website Short-term let licence | Midlothian Council
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