Edinburgh Council could be advised to quit the social media site X after councillors voted to explore options.
A bid to create a glamping retreat for horse lovers on a hillside in Midlothian has been rejected by planners.
The action is needed a Knoll Hospital premises in Duns due to the presence of RAAC.
Go ahead given to new housing at a former petrol station at Hillend.
A director has been appointed to carry out an independent review of the allegations.
Proposals to create new student flats on a scrapyard in Leith featured in Trainspotting 2 have been refused over concerns over flooding.
Plans to charge health care workers an annual fee for a parking permit in North Berwick have been condemned.
SBC has had to consider a number of Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) planning bids over recent months.
Concerns over plans the BESS saw calls for the council to object to it.
Edinburgh’s council tax could rise by 8% as officials warned budget pressures were straining the city’s finances.
Opposition is growing to plans for giant pylons across the Borders into England.
The cost of bulky rubbish uplifts in West Lothian is set to rise to £50.
This View has been written by Midlothian Dog Trainer Nick McMechan.
The public will be able to comment on the legal orders as part of a consultation.
Research by YouGov has revealed the Lloyds Bank Tour of Britain Men had an overall impact of almost £2.5million.
Future mass transit plans for Edinburgh should follow successful bus-based projects in cities such as Belfast.
The benefits of the pavement parking ban have been praised by Guide Dogs Scotland and Living Streets Edinburgh.
A Grass Management Pilot Scheme launched by Scottish Borders Council last year was a departure from the ‘one size fits all’ approach.
Improvements to the bus services running out to two major international sporting facilities are to be investigated.
Concern from parents, pupils and teaching union the EIS, over the presence of ‘arms manufacturers’ firms.
A lack of leadership has meant the Scottish Government has made minimal progress towards its challenging climate change goal of reducing car use.
Police Scotland carried out more breath tests and more roadside drug tests than previous years.
Kirsty McNeill MP commemorates Holocaust Memorial Day.
Lorna Slater, Lothian MSP and Scottish Greens co-leader writes her monthly column for Midlothian View.