2016-12-09 23:54:09 Phil Bowen phil@pigeonpenguin.com Receive emails from Midlothian View: Y Test
2016-12-10 08:06:43 Diane Causer dianeandron@hotmail.com Receive emails from Midlothian View: Y I favour option B.
Why with all the new housing being built in Midlothian is this taking so long, it is needed urgently.
2016-12-10 08:58:35 Anna Hulton anna@hultons.com Receive emails from Midlothian View: Y I support the urgent need to replace the Sherriffhall roundabout. As a Midlothian resident who commutes into the city for work I experience the frustration and delays of congested roads on a frequent basis. I am not opposed to new house building in Midlothian but we need transport infrastructure to support it. It appears to me that option C is likely to be the best option, but I do not have a strong opinion. I do think it is also very important to incorporate a safe, separate cycle route into the plans. Providing a safe cycle route across the bypass is essential. The most important thing is to get on with it, no more delays please.
2016-12-10 09:41:07 Lindsay Clark Lac2230@gmail.com Receive emails from Midlothian View: Y Option C seems to offer the best traffic flow to and from the A7 although will require a 2 lane approach to cope with traffic volumes at peak times
2016-12-10 10:00:05 Sandy Howden sandyhowden@howdenmedia.co.uk Receive emails from Midlothian View: Y The road markings on the run-up to the roundabout and on the roundabout really badly need done again . It is dangerous and confusing especially at certain parts of the day with light fading and the damp weather.
2016-12-10 12:12:25 Colin Haig colinjameshaig@gmail.com Receive emails from Midlothian View: Y There a few relatively simple improvements that could be made to help traffic flow, the extra wide pavements at the approach of the roundabout could be turned into an extra lane earlier, especially approaching from Danderhall side. All pavements are unused, No-one seems to walk anywhere near the roundabout never mind these curved useless areas which could open up the approach lanes. Also try trials like in Europe, on a Sunday switch the traffic lights off. Every Sunday there is no Edinburgh bound traffic yet huge tailbacks on East & West approaches because of the unusually set up traffic lights. Try turning them off to let the traffic move plus save electricity
2016-12-10 13:13:14 B Farrell Brian_farrell@live.co.uk Receive emails from Midlothian View: N The upgrade to Sheriffhall is currently 18 months behind schedule and is still at design stage. The current delay is appalling and further delay totally unacceptable.
Congestion on all approaches to Sheriffhall is chronic throughout the day and weekends.
The final design should cause least disruption to traffic flow and have shortest possible construction period in order to deliver benefits as quickly as possible.
Separate cycle lanes should also be incorporated into the final design, segregation of cyclists from heavy traffic is vital for traffic flow and cyclist safety.
2016-12-10 19:48:17 David McGuire davidmcguire2003@yahoo.com Receive emails from Midlothian View: Y Dear Sir/Madam,
Please make the construction work at sheriffhall roundabout a priority has congestion on the city of Edinburgh bypass has reached chronic levels. As a resident of Midlothian, who has to deal with this on a daily basis, this has a significant impact on my family\'s life
2016-12-11 22:25:50 Stuart Wilson stuartlwilson@gmail.com Receive emails from Midlothian View: Y I would favour option B as I don\'t feel adding another 2 smaller roundabouts will assist traffic flow enough, most people can\'t seem to use them properly anyway either not signaling of drifting across lanes, 1 should be sufficient. I\'d also support either during the construction or before a trial of closing the Gilmerton off ramp, as currently when bypass queues a lot of traffic comes off here clogging up the road past Dobbies, a lot of traffic especially HGV\'s then just returns to Sherrifhall roundabout anyway at the roundabout just past Dobbies.
2016-12-12 19:38:33 V Ousley vickster2325@gmail.com Receive emails from Midlothian View: Y Upgrading is badly needed for Sheriffhall.
2016-12-13 13:25:05 Kim Harding Harding_k@yahoo.com Receive emails from Midlothian View: N It is deeply disappointing to see that Transport Scotland is systematically failing in its legal duty to provide for zero carbon transport, as required under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and to achieve the CAPS target of 10% cycling modal share by 2020.
The Sheriffhall is a serious barrier for anyone wanting to travel by active means between Edinburgh and Midlothian. The failure to provide adequately for cycling in these plans is extremely short sighted and suggest a lack of professional competence. As a well as a failure to understand the basic function of transport, which is to move people, not tin boxes, in an efficient manor.
By attempting to increase the volume of motor vehicle traffic through the Sheriffhall roundabout, and not providing an adequate and attractive alternative routes for active travel. All that Transport Scotland appear to be trying to achieve is to blight the area and make it a less attractive place to live.
Please revise these plans
2016-12-13 13:27:08 Richard Beard rychbeard@aol.com Receive emails from Midlothian View: Y Please make sure bicycles are well catered for as cycling in from Midlothian is a nightmare and the bypass is effectively a barrier for cycling as there are no decent bikes lanes or quite alternative routes. More bikes equals less cars and less congestion!!!
2016-12-13 14:03:45 Ewan Jeffrey Ewan@navyblue.org.uk Receive emails from Midlothian View: Y This scheme must look to the future and include straightforward and simple cycling route through the junction. Ideally a bridge or a Dutch Style roundabout treatment where traffic on the side roads has to give way to the cycle route and there are light controlled cycle crossings of the major approach roads. No way should bikes have to cross the By Pass unprotected. Both Mid Lothian and Edinburgh would creative enormous active travel benefits from good quality cycle access. As this is presumably a trunk road, TS already has a statutory obligation to include good cycle provision and this is an ideal place to provide an exemplary scheme. Even the cost of a bridge would be relativity modest in the overall cost yet provide massive playback. The City By Pass should not be like a Berlin Wall to cyclists.
2016-12-13 20:27:45 Drew Binnie Drew.Binnie@btinternet.com Receive emails from Midlothian View: Y Cycling needs to be more prominent in the design. There are thousands of new houses being built and a new roundabout is an ideal opportunity to provide a route to incourage cycling.
2016-12-13 21:00:30 Drew Binnie Drew.Binnie@btinternet.com Receive emails from Midlothian View: Y Cycling needs to be more prominent in the design. There are thousands of new houses being built and a new roundabout is an ideal opportunity to provide a route to incourage cycling.
2016-12-13 21:03:17 Drew Binnie Drew.Binnie@btinternet.com Receive emails from Midlothian View: Y Cycling needs to be more prominent in the design. There are thousands of new houses being built and a new roundabout is an ideal opportunity to provide a route to incourage cycling.
2016-12-13 22:48:37 Alan Stevenson alan_stevenson3@sky.com Receive emails from Midlothian View: Y Sheriffhall is the most direct route home but can also be the longest as the traffic lights on the A7 and A6106 stay on green for a very limited time giving priority to the traffic on the bypass
2016-12-14 08:32:53 Len Alexander lenalexander1@aol.com Receive emails from Midlothian View: Y either option A or C
2016-12-15 12:54:39 Susan Simpson susan@pansmanse.co.uk Receive emails from Midlothian View: Y I attended the Shawfair exhibition but didn\'t dare arrive by bike - Sherriffhall is a major obstacle to keeping me cycling. Cyclists NEED to be taken into consideration with this development. Interruptions of route for level crossings, diversions from main line of route, with tortuous bends are NOT viable options for cyclists or pedestrians.
A proper, graded, cycle / pedestrian solution MUST be included in whatever traffic plan is chosen AND it must be linked to safe cycle route options between Midlothian and Edinburgh. Why not an iconic bridge?
2016-12-18 14:58:42 Graham Buchan Grahampbuchan@aol.com Receive emails from Midlothian View: Y A flyover is the answer to this increasing problem, but I would like to see public consultations occurring locally gathering local inhabitants views and constructive views in regards to this issue. Regards G Buchan
2020-03-27 11:19:27 ROBERT J SANDERSON robjsand@btinternet.com Receive emails from Midlothian View: Y Option C is most obvious for minimum disruption. Two new roundabouts taking traffic away from one larger one. It also provides opportunity to create interconnecting cycle pathways and an iconic bridge over new bypass that sits on top of the old sheriffhall. Using the Old Dalkeith Road to old roundabout from Dalkeith and old A7 road from Danderhall. This could also connect the old Craighall road and A7 to Bonnyrigg road that could be converted into cycle pathways being connected via the bridge.
2021-11-26 17:09:38 Sohel Khondaker sohel.khondaker@yahoo.com Receive emails from Midlothian View: N It\'s about time! I don\'t live in Edinburgh but visit or pass by quite often to head to other parts of Scotland. My preference is Option B as it looks like the one with the least disruption during construction. Why a flyover wasn\'t built when the bypass was built is beyond me, considering there is enough space to have built one, but definitely option B please. The sooner the better!