Midlothian Business Directory

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Middlebank Accountancy

Middlebank Accountancy can prepare your annual accounts which forms the basis of your tax return, whether your business operates as a sole trader, partnership or limited company, and submit your accounts to HMRC and Companies House.

Need help with your tax return? We prepare and submit tax returns to HMRC for individuals (self assessment), businesses (partnership returns) and limited companies (corporation tax).

Let us help with your filing obligations for your company, we can submit accounts, confirmation statements and any change of company details or appointments to Companies House on your behalf.

- Bookkeeping
- Review of existing bookkeeping system and practices.
- Vat return preparation and submission.
- Debtors control assistance.
- Profit margins/ costings review.

All enquiries welcome, serving Edinburgh, the Lothians and the Scottish Borders.

Midlothian View - Business Middlebank Accountancy
5 South Charlotte Street




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