Thompson hosts online Q&A and virtual surgeries during lockdown

Monday April 20th 2020


Owen Thompson MP. Photography by Lee Live: Photographer

Written by Midlothian view Reporter, Luke Jackson

Owen Thompson MP is using social media and video technology to increase ways to engage directly with constituents during the coronavirus lockdown.

On Wednesdays starting this week Owen will host a live ‘Midlothian Questions’ session on facebook at 1pm. The Midlothian MP will talk about the latest political events and answer questions which constituents raise with him. Owen is inviting constituents to send questions in advance by email or through his facebook page.

Owen will also be hosting an online advice surgery every Friday during lockdown using video conferencing technology. Constituents can have individual chats with Owen about any issue of concern. Those without access to computers can still dial-in using their phone for an audio-only call. Owen is asking constituents to get in touch prior to the surgery to let the office know you want to take part, so a slot can be arranged.

The Midlothian MP said:-

“These are strange days and I never thought I’d see the archaic old UK Parliament sitting virtually with MPs debating the big issues of the day through computer links. I thought it was the right time to get my surgeries going virtually, too!

“I have been missing the face-to-face connection with constituents during lockdown, so while virtual surgeries are not the same thing, it is at least an option for more constituents to chat with me directly. Those without computers can still use their phones to call in, to make sure the surgeries are as accessible as possible.

“Midlothian Questions’ on Wednesdays will be a more public forum, an informal question and answer session where I will do my best to tackle whatever issues constituents want to raise, as well as giving the latest updates on what is going on in the UK Parliament. If I don’t have the answer, I will do my best to find out so let me know any questions you may have.

“I hope as many people as possible will get involved and get in touch through these new ‘virtual’ routes. Let me know how things are going and I will keep doing my best to be a strong voice for the people of Midlothian at Westminster, even if it’s through a video screen for a while. “

Owen Thompson’s first facebook live event ‘Midlothian Questions’ is on Wednesday April 22 at 1pm Click HERE.

He asks people to send in questions by email or a comment on facebook.

Online Advice Surgery – Friday April 24, 2-3 pm. Email the office before the surgery to let his team know you want to take part. or call 0131 285 8283 if you don’t have email access

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