Friday November 17th 2017
Ahead of the Chancellor’s Budget statement next week, COSLA have launched a 10-page factual document entitled “Fair Funding for Essential Services” laying out the case for a fair settlement for local government.
The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) is the national association of Scottish councils.
Commenting as she launched the document COSLA’s Resources Spokesperson Councillor Gail Macgregor said: “Enough is enough, Scottish Local Government can no longer be the poor relation of the Scottish Public Sector.
“Local Government is democratically elected and provides a breadth of essential services to Scotland’s communities which support and protect all in our society.
“In all our work, we encourage equality and promote a fairer Scotland through inclusive growth.
“In addition to this, local government is a key economic driver employing 10% of Scotland’s workforce and procuring £6.3 billion of goods.
“Our councils support, and contribute to, the local economy in their areas in a number of ways Employment being a major one. Therefore, investment in local government is vital to stimulate and develop inclusive economic growth.
“That is why we are asking that in the 2018-19 Budget there is adequate and fair funding for all local government services.”
Echoing this call, COSLA President Councillor Alison Evison said: “As COSLA President I am delighted to support the launch of this document today.
“Recent settlements for local government have put huge pressures on local services and local jobs.
“Year on year challenges have forced councils to make difficult choices and cut services.
“We need a fair settlement for the year ahead.
“There really is no more room for manoeuvre and we must be treated fairly in the upcoming Budget so that local government can continue to provide essential services.”
Download the COSLA Spending Review Briefing
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