Thursday August 2nd 2018
Locals are being invited to an exhibition organised by Gorebridge Connected, to find out more about the improvement projects planned for the town centre.
The Gorebridge Connected Project is a partnership between Midlothian Council, Gorebridge Community Development Trust, Historic Environment Scotland, the Scottish Government and ScotRail. Planned improvements to the railway station building are also supported by the LEADER programme and the Railway Heritage Trust.
As well as the repair and restoration of the Gorebridge station building for community use, the project will see improvements to Hunter Square, along with the Main Street Link Project which includes the development of the Gorebridge Heritage Trail.
Residents can view the exhibition and meet the design team over tea, coffee and cake, at a special open event on Wednesday 15 August from 2pm to 7.30pm. It will be held at the Gorebridge Community Development Trust’s office, 58 Main Street.
The Hunter Square improvements will include widened footpaths, new paving and bollards, landscaping, a new pedestrian crossing, and traffic calming measures. A new public space will be created with new seating, new street lighting, new bus shelters, a community notice board and a heritage trail interpretative panel. Work started on 9 July and will take approximately 16 weeks to complete.
The Main Street Link Project will also establish a new heritage trail with interpretative panels and plaques, a new leaflet and audio guide.
Midlothian Council’s cabinet member for communities, Councillor Russell Imrie said: “These exciting improvement projects will be widely welcomed and I would encourage local residents to come along to the exhibition to find out more and to chat to the design team. This work will greatly improve the quality of public space in Gorebridge’s historic town centre and will result in an increased appreciation of the town’s fascinating history and heritage.”
You can find out more about the plans at
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