Monday October 16th 2017
From left to right: S3 Beeslack High School pupils, Favour Fombo (15), Shaun Tobyn (15) and Kate Main (15) are pictured at Fushiebridge Depot, Gorebridge, with their SQA certificates for Health and Safety in a Construction Environment.
Three Beeslack High School pupils have passed the latest part of an innovative Pre Foundation Apprenticeship.
S3 pupils Favour Fombo (15), Kate Main (15) and Shaun Tobyn (15) recently completed the second SVQ (Scottish Vocational Qualifications) unit of their Pre Foundation Apprenticeship in Construction.
Believed to be one of the first of its kind in Scotland, the pilot course is being run by Midlothian Council’s Road Operations Team in partnership with training provider, Technical Academy Scotland.
Units undertaken by the pupils include Health and Safety in a Construction Environment, Computer Aided Drafting: An Introduction, and Construction Measurement & Costing.
Designed to offer a platform for further studies in construction and valuable workplace experience, the pilot course is due to be completed by the pupils in April next year.
Kate said:
“I’ve really enjoyed the course so far. It’s been totally different from anything at school – from the application and interview to being out on different work sites.
“Being in a work place environment for the first time and doing things I’ve never done before has been a great experience. It’s also really helped build my confidence too.”
Councillor Jim Muirhead, Depute Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services, said:
“Congratulations to Favour, Kate and Shaun on completing the latest stage of their Pre Foundation Apprenticeship.
“The pilot course is a great example of innovative and collaborative working. I’m sure it will benefit Favour, Kate and Shaun in the future while also offering us some valuable insights into different ways the Council can offer other unique work experiences and work placements to young people in Midlothian.”
More information about vocational learning, work placements and work inspiration opportunities can be found at
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