Maternity leave for councillors

Wednesday November 8th 2017

Midlothian Council Fairfield House Main

Midlothian’s eighteen Councillors have unanimously backed the calls of an SNP Councillor to introduce maternity and paternity leave for its Councillors in a landmark decision.

Under present arrangements Councillors have no assistance to cover maternity leave and must simply choose between physically attending duties or not. It is hoped the move in Midlothian can investigate ways of flexible working and other practical arrangements to assist with a Councillors workload whilst on leave.

SNP Councillor for Midlothian West, Kelly Parry, who moved the motion, said:

“Councillors are not recognised as employees and so common basic practices such as heath and safety assessments for pregnant women and other legal rights do not apply, let alone the right support in place to take a break to bond with a new baby, and allow your body to recover and adjust.”

“Women from who feel pressured to return to work early are at far higher risk of Post Natal Depression and far too often in Local Government women are expected to resign from senior positions to take any leave at all.”

“Councils lack far behind in women’s representation compared with our National Parliaments and we must recognise and change the structural barriers involved. Maternity leave is an issue that needs to be addressed across all our political institutions and we must send a message to society that politics is not just for retired men.”

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