Monday April 24th 2017
A Local Elections Question Time takes place Wednesday 26th April, 2:00pm to 3:30pm in the Drawing Room at Newbattle Abbey College.
The event involves cross-party representatives and is being chaired by experienced event host David Lee.
The panel is:
– Ian Baxter (Green)
– Ken Brown (Lib Dem)
– Derek Milligan (Labour)
– Kelly Parry (SNP)
– Robin Traquair (Conservative)
The hustings has been organised by Newbattle Conversations, a five-year programme promoting academic debate and public discourse on Scotland’s history and its recent political awakening. The programme features annual lectures, election hustings and workshops on topics relevant to the current political situation. This will culminate in a major academic international conference in spring 2020 to celebrate the 700th Anniversary of the Declaration of Arbroath. Newbattle Abbey College is a fitting venue for this event as the Declaration of Arbroath was drafted at Newbattle in 1320.
If you have never been to an election hustings it is recommended that you go as it is a great way to see and meet the people who want to represent you and it is much better than reading any election leaflet that is posted through your door.
Tickets for the hustings are available free of charge from Julie Thomson at or by telephone 0131 663 1921
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