Tuesday November 15th 2022
Fiona Robertson, Executive Director, Children, Young People & Partnerships at Midlothian Council has written to parents of all school pupils advising them of strike action on November 24th.
Ms Robertson wrote”
“I am sure you will be aware from the media that the Educational Institute for Scotland (EIS) teaching union and the Association of Headteachers and Deputes in Scotland (AHDS) which represents promoted staff in schools and early years settings have declared strike action which will take place 24th November 2022.
“The Education Service has considered the issues of the safe supervision of children and young people given the anticipated significantly reduced leadership and teacher staffing levels across our schools and early learning and childcare (ELC) settings. We are conscious that ELC/school closures inconveniences parents/carers and disrupts learners’ education and as such we are providing you with notice, if the action goes ahead, that the following arrangements will be in place:
– All local authority ELC settings will be closed apart from Scots Corner which will operate as normal for families accessing this setting;
– All local authority schools and Additional Support Provisions will be closed to pupils;
– Your child’s school will contact you to outline arrangements that they are able to put in place for learning activities on the day of industrial action.
– School crossing patrols will not be operational on this day;
– All ELC, ASN and Home to School transport will not operate due to the schools being closed to children and young people; and
– A BACs payment will be made for those children and young people entitled to a free
school meal (not universal entitlement).
“I appreciate that the industrial action will cause significant disruption to the learning of our children and young people and that families will have to make alternative arrangements for childcare during these days. I am sorry for the inconvenience this will cause. While the Council has been formally notified by trade unions of their intention to strike, there is also the possibility that through ongoing negotiations the strike may not take place. We will keep you informed as the situation develops through the Council website and your child’s school.”
The letter has been distributed via schools.
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