Wednesday August 29th 2018
How much do you know about your community council and the positive impact its work has on your area? Perhaps you’re a local resident who would like to get more involved in your community, and want to learn more about it?
Then why not join in with the annual Midlothian community council training day on Saturday 6 October? Whether you’re a current or prospective community councillor or simply someone who would like to know more about what’s involved, it’s a great opportunity to find out more.
There are 16 community councils in Midlothian, each acting as a voice for the local area. Led by volunteers, their aim is to bring local people and groups together to discuss local matters and promote the well-being of their communities. They also work closely with Midlothian Council to raise local issues and advise and influence them on behalf of the areas they represent.
“We recognise the important role our community councils have and the support they give to their areas,” said Midlothian Council’s cabinet member for communities, Councillor Russell Imrie. “We feel sure that many of our residents have a lot to contribute and we want to encourage more people to volunteer. The training day is an excellent way to find out more and to meet new people in a relaxed setting.”
The session will be held at the Lasswade Centre on Saturday 6 October and lasts from 10am to 2.30pm. Book your place online at or contact Catherine Duns on 0131 270 5769. Email:
To find out more about the community council representing your area, visit
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